Geek Breaking Girlfriend’s Phone And Then Surprising Her With A New iPhone 11 by ZeeshanN January 7, 2020 January 7, 2020 629 She was so caring! But if I was her I would have snatched that iPhone up if I had a BF and he did that to me!! Share this:TweetRedditTelegramWhatsAppEmailLike this:Like Loading... geekiphone 11video 0 comments 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestRedditStumbleuponWhatsappEmail previous post First Food Joint For Squirrels Is Doing Good In Lexington, Kentucky next post Top 10 Most Influential First Person Shooters of All Time You may also like Stardew Valley Recreated With 75,000 Lego Bricks John Oliver Investigates the Depths of an Online... iOS 17.4 Beta: All the New Changes Guy Invents Glasses That Lets Short People Get... This Toy Skeleton Mold Kit Lets You Build... The Grinch Inserted Into THE WITCHER Video Game... GHOSTBUSTERS Poster Art Created By Artist Vance Kelly Astronaut Hibernation: A Reality Check for Long Spaceflights... GAME FUEL IS BACK BABY